I've added the version tag at the start, because I can now CONFIRM that this is outdated: In-Game data collected from game reports indicates that in 1.4.15, Dev Time Allocations now Vary by Topic/Genre instead of just by Genre.
Many of them at least seem to stick to the old Genre-only allocations, but not all. I've uncovered Rhythm/Casual as having Graphics as a ++ instead of a +++ previously, but now I've found one that seems to have more variances and am currently intensively researching it: Cyberpunk/Action.
My Results for Cyberpunk/Action so far:
Engine: (Probably +++, maybe ++), Gameplay: -, Story: (Probably ++, maybe +++). Dialogues: (Unknown, probably ~ or Less), Level Design: +++, Artificial Intelligence: (Probably ++). World Design: (Probably ++), Graphics (Probably +++), Sound: ~
Values not in parens are directly confirmed by game report, values in parens are some degree of Guesswork. A few specific Reasons:
Story's high position is based on getting blasted in a review for neglecting it, indicating it's one of the 'over 40%' types.
World Design is a Guess based off the fact that the 'normally' ++ sound is a ~ instead, leading me to theorize that it got swapped with World Design.
Dialogue: I don't seem to get any penalty for neglecting it.
I just released a Mature Cyberpunk/Action on the PC (which is only a ++ platform for action) using my guesses/research to assign the sliders and got a 9.25 (a second attempt with a Sci-Fi/Strategy inbetween got me an 8.)
I'm going to keep making/researching Cyberpunk/Action in an attempt to clear the picture further, but it's pretty clear that it does NOT conform to the 'normal' Action values.
I'm also somewhat concerned that the T/D Target Ratio may also have been altered, but don't know how to check that.
Graptor (talk) 16:58, July 1, 2014 (UTC)