Hi guys, I have finish the game but I don't have these things, how do I get it?
I accidentally hit wait when I trained my first design specialist, and now I'm not sure how to open the lab. Can anyone help me? Thanks
I have been looking around for info on how to set the budget for the research lab.
The text bubble in my game didnt mention it, and the games wiki page does not mention it ether.
Do i click in the corner of the screen? That only takes me back to the game developers.
Do i click inside the lab? I only get the otpion to start a project then.
Is there a secret menu i am not seeing?
This is the kind of info a wioki should include.
Hello Everyone !
I have a little problem in th R&D Lab; once i go in I can't return to the offices with the rest of the employees.
I tried to drag the screen with the left button of the mouse, it did nothing but pop up the 'Start/Cancel Project' Menu, I tried to click on the mouse's wheel. It moved the screen to the right, where there is a black screen but i can't go to the left where the office are :/
Can someone help me ? I have two saved gamed, one with 27Y and another with 40Y, yet the two of them are stucked in the Lab :/
PS : Sorry for my english >.<