Game Dev Tycoon Wiki

Contracts are side projects done for anonymous NPCs that reward a sum of money and research points if completed in a timely fashion (while also penalizing the player and/or company if failed). After the release of your third game, you will be contacted by a character named Jason, and you will unlock contracts. Later in the game, you will unlock medium- and large-sized contracts.

Contracts have a 24 weeks expiry time.

Contracts list[]

Small contracts[]

Name Tech value Design value Research value Description
Logo Animation 1 2.5 1.5 "Create an animation for an existing logo."
Character Design 1 4.5 1.5
Playtest 1 1 1.5 "Help to playtest a game."
Game Backdrops 1 1 1.5 "Design some simple background graphics for a game."
Setup Computers 2 0.4 0 "Install Mirconoft BOSS on computers"
Debug Program 2 0.2 0
Spritesheet Software 3 2 0 "Our staff needs to be taught how to use these modern technologies."
Library Software 5 1 0

Medium Contracts[]

Name Tech value Design value Research value Description
Usability Study 5 6.5 0
Review Game Concept 3 8 1.5
Game Art 5 6 1.5
Clean up Database 5 1 0
Accounting Software 5 1 0 "Create a simple accounting software. Are those ever simple?"
Time Tracking 3 1 0
Design a board game 5 0.2 2
Horoscope Generator 5 1 0
Character Dialogues 5 1 1.4
Futuristic Application 3 2 1.5
Vacuum Robot 2 1.4 0 "Create a revolutionary AI for a vacuum robot."
Website 2 1.3 0 "We have heard of this thing called the internet. We want to have one."

Large Contracts[]

Name Tech value Design value Research value Description
Game Port 3.2 1.7 1.2
Cut Scenes 1 1 1.5
Space Shuttle 3 2 0
Alien Search 3 1.8 1.3
Movies 1 1 1.5

Requirements Algorithm[]

Size Modifier[]

Let S be :

Game Size Modifier
Small when the company is at level 1 or 2 12
Small when the company is past level 3 18
Medium 30


  • Let Y be the current year
  • [A <-> B] a random number between A and B.
  • D, T the values from the Contracts list

Then :

Bv = S * (1+Y/25+[0<->2])

Design required = D*[-0.2 <-> 0.2]*Bv / (D+T)
Tech required = T*[-0.2 <-> 0.2]*Bv / (D+T)
Payment = 1000 * Bv
Penalty = [-0.5 <-> 0.2] * Bv

Deadline(Small contract) = [3 <-> 6] * Bv (weeks)
Deadline(Medium or Large) = [3 <-> 10] * Bv (weeks)