Game Dev Tycoon Wiki

MBox Next (Microsoft Xbox Series X)

Company: Mirconoft
Best Audience: Everyone
License Cost: 1.5M
Development Cost: 200K
Release dates for a playtime of
30 Years 35 Years 42 Years
Y27 M8 W4  Y32 M2 W1  Y38 M4 W4
Discontinue dates for a playtime of
30 Years 35 Years 42 Years
To the end  To the end  To the end

The Mbox Next is the last release by hardware and software manufacturer Mirconoft, and is the successor of the mBox One.

The mBox Next is based on the Xbox Series X even though it was added to Game Dev Tycoon before the Xbox Series X was even announced and released before its main rival, the Playsystem 5 by Vonny. It is the most popular console to the end of the game, albeit by a very small margin.

Target Audience[]

Young: ++

Everyone: +++

Mature: +

Industrial News[]

  • "Mirconoft has announced their plans to release a completely revamped version of the mBox early next year called mBox Next. The new console seems to cleverly integrate Mirconoft's own motion camera addon for the mBox into one small package. Visually, the mBox Next is reminiscent of the earlier mBox 360 with a much lighter tone marking a departure from the bulky and dark style of the mBox One. The technology of the mBox Next seems promising but we will see how the new console will fare against its competitors" - Year 31, Month 8, Week 2


While this console does exist in the new Xbox the two look very different.

Release News[]

  • "Today the news game platform mBox Next by Mirconoft has been released." -Year 32, Month 2, Week 1
  • hopefully it will compete with the powerhouse playsystem 5