Game Dev Tycoon Wiki

MBox One (Microsoft Xbox One)

Mbox one
Company: Mirconoft
Best Audience: Everyone
License Cost: 1M
Development Cost: 100K
Release dates for a playtime of
30 Years 35 Years 42 Years
Y23 M8 W4  Y27 M6 W1  Y32 M9 W2
Discontinue dates for a playtime of
30 Years 35 Years 42 Years
Y29 M12 W4  Y34 M10 W4  Y41 M7 W4

The mBox One is the third release by hardware and software manufacturer Mirconoft, and is the successor of the mBox 360.

The mBox One is based on the Xbox One by Microsoft.

It is the second to last in the mBox line. Between the mBox 360 and the mBox One's release, Mirconoft also released the mPad.

The mBox One is released before its main rival, the Playsystem 4 by Vonny. Like the mBox 360, it is the most popular console until the release of the Playsystem 4.

The mBox One places lots of emphasis on its motion tracking device, the Kinekt.

Target Audience[]

Best-fitting: Everyone

Well-fitting: Mature

Poorly-fitting: Young

Industrial News[]

35 years game:

  • "For fans of the mBox, the long wait for an update for the console will soon be over as Mirconoft has announced that the mBox One will be available later this year. The new console has been touted as a unified entertainment platform and comes with voice control and an always-on camera to enable gesture control. An always-on camera is not the only feature generating controversy as the new console also appears to require internet access at least once a day to function properly, does not support older mBox games and looks set to impose restrictions on how games can be shared or resold." - Year 27, Month 1 Week 3.
  • "Clearly Mirconoft wants to push its current status quo and deliver a console for a new future in gaming but we are not sure if gamers will share Mirconoft's vision." - Year 27, Month 1, Week 3.
  • "After a massive negative public reaction to the controversial features announced for the upcoming mBox One, Mirconoft has today released a letter indicating a change of plans. The mBox One will no longer require a permanent Internet connection and will not impose restrictions on selling or sharing games." - Year 27, Month 3 Week 2.
  • "It is clear that different, much more popular strategies from companies such as Vonny, as well as from player spokespersons, have forced this change in direction." - Year 27, Month 3 Week 2.

Release News[]

  • "Today the news game platform mBox One by Mirconoft has been released." - Year 27, Month 6, Week 1.
  • "In two months, the mBox One will be recalled!" - Year 34, Month 8, Week 4.
  • "mBox One is no longer supported" - Year 34, Month 8, Week 4.


action+++ adventure+ rpg++ simulation++ strategy-- casual++
