Swap is the ninth platform launched by Ninvento. It replaces the Wuu.
The Swap is modeled after the Nintendo Switch.
The Swap doesn't perform as well as the Mbox Next or the Playsystem 5, but still manages to gain a considerable market share and is in the 3rd place of Ai console at the end of the game.
Target Audience[]
Great: Everyone
Good: Young
Okay: Mature
Great: Casual, RPG
Good: Action, Adventure
Okay: Simulation
Bad: Strategy
Industry News[]
"Ninvento has today revealed their upcoming game console: The Ninvento Swap. The device seems to function both as a portable console and as a home console. When the Swap is removed from its docking station, unique controller pads called 'Fun-Pads' are attached to the side of the screen and turn the console into a handheld device." - Year 24 Month 10 Week 4
"The recently released Ninvento Swap console has caused an unusual social media storm. It all started when a consumer licked one of the game cartridges and reported that it tasted extremely bad. Thousands of consumers then repeated the experiment, tasting their cartridges and reporting the result on social media, further encouraging others to do the same. Ninvento has now published an official statement to confirm that game cartridges for the Swap are coated with denatonium benzoate, a non-toxic bittering agent. This was apparently done to discourage children from biting on and swallowing the fairly small cartridges." - Year 25 Month 4 Week 1