Game Dev Tycoon Wiki

This is a small guide on how to earn millions of money in your first few years to really get your company off the ground. First we're gonna need to set some requirements.

1. A nice wad of cash (250-500k should do).

2. The Fantasy Topic.

3. Researched Custom Game Engines.

4. Researched Target Audience.

5. Knowledge of the original Legend of Zelda game.

6. Some common sense.

7. A save file of where you're currently at.

So, you've released a few good games (and maybe some bad ones) and you know the basics. Imagine the game in your head, and put it on the game with the guidelines given. The reason you need so much money is because as soon as the Gameling is announced, you're gonna want to pour tons of money into a Custom Game Engine. Not too much mind, you're gonna want enough money to buy the license agreement or whatever it is for the Gameling (so save 50-80k at least. Then wait a bit until the Gameling is released and when it is, use the Custom Game Engine you made earlier, get the Gameling, set the Topic as Fantasy, have the Genre as Adventure, set the Target Audience to Young and name it 'The Legend of Zelda' (without the quotes). It doesn't matter now if your money goes into the minus, mine always does. I even usually have to take a loan from the bank, but I can always pay it back with the money I get. Anyway select all the options that you think Legend of Zelda needs to use. I used Open World, Better Cutscenes, 2D Graphics V2 and a few others that I can't remember. With your knowledge of the original Legend of Zelda you should be able to think what needs to be in there and what doesn't. Don't worry about the code or anything, just your knowledge of Legend of Zelda. Anyway once you've done all that and it's finished, let your person iron out the bugs and once there are no bugs, release the game! Your reviews should consist of 10's and 9's. I usually get 2 10's and 2 9's, but getting at least 3 9's and 1 10 should be good enough. If you get an 8, you may want to reload the save file and try again. If you get at least 3 9's and 1 10 then great! Wait for the money to pile up and you'll be way up! Comment with how your Legend of Zelda went, with the profit, the fans you got and other things!

My Legend of Zelda game stats:

Profit: 4.6M (wow!)

Fans: 4944 (woah!)

Units sold: 667.4k (HOLY SH*T!)

Remember to post how your experience with this guide was and thanks for bothering to read all this if you did.